
Pumpkin Carving for Halloween

Tuesday, April 13, 2004

We've been looking for new ideas for carving our pumpkins this year. Halloween Online has section on pumpkin carving that has lots of great info on pumpkins and carving ideas.
The section on putting together your own pumpkin carving tool box is a great idea! It's something that you can use every year and add to as new carving products come out.
Another idea is using carving templates. These intricate carving patterns take some time to carve but, man, are they worth it when you're done! We've carved some of the most beautiful pumpkins using these! Learn how to make your own here.
If you live in a warmer climate, don't carve them too early or they won't last long. Warm weather really rots pumpkins fast! Try using a preserver of some kind to extend the life.


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